Contact Us


DONATION DISCLOSURE: We thank you for any donations you give, and inform you that unfortunately donations to our Party are not tax deductible. Apologies for any inconvenience.

General Meetings

Our General Meeting for members is open to the public and happens every last Friday of the month at 6:30 pm (Next meeting: February 28th at 6:30 pm). We hold our meetings in Manchester at the Unitarian Universalist Church (669 Union St) and get food and drinks after!

For those who cannot attend in person, attend online here:

Current Actions

Housing Law and Tenant’s Rights Discussion Series: We are hosting a four part series on housing law, tenant organizing, and more with discussions to be held over the coming months in Manchester, Nashua, and Concord. We hope to provide education about the tenants’ legal situations and show people how tenants across the country are banding together to collectively bargain for better living conditions!

Mutual Aid: We have volunteers at the Manchester Free Store run by Mutual Aid Relief Fund of NH every Sunday if you’d like to meet comrades and help our local homeless community members get needed materials for their survival and health. If you’d like to donate, reach out to MARF NH, or email us about what you’d like to donate. We can collect them and make sure they’re delivered at your convenience. Donate or volunteer today! A little solidarity goes a long way!

Reach out to Mutual Aid Relief Fund of New Hampshire: or @NHMARF on Instagram

New Hampshire Congress of Workers’ Organizations: Socialist Party of Southern New Hampshire is proud to be a member of the New Hampshire Congress of Workers’ Organizations, a group of organizations working together to take responsibility for the neglected areas of general welfare abandoned by both government and market forces. Both the Party and the Congress are at work to advance a Palestine Ceasefire Resolutions in town and city halls across New Hampshire, and recently stood in solidarity with local unions working to defeat Right to Work in NH.

The Workers’ Congress is proud to present the Rate Your Landlord Database! Landlords know who you are when you enter negotiations: rental history, employment history, wage details and MORE! They talk to each other…TENANTS MUST TOO! Fill out the survey here and help other tenants KNOW who they’re dealing with!

Reach out to us here, or to the Congress of Workers’ Organizations: